Friday, December 03, 2010


光阴似箭这句成语说得没错。 时间真的像箭一样飞得很快, 而且也没人能阻止它或者是将它停顿。
所谓 “一寸光阴一寸金, 寸金难买寸光阴”, 我们真的要好好利用这些时间呢!

柴九也有说咯, “人生有几多个十年!” 人生很快就过完, 所以要趁这段时间好好闯一番! 不然, 什么都没做到, 到时进了棺材都不瞑目哦。 T-T

突然间很感叹, 因为时间不留人啊!

哈哈。 我怎么突然写到这些?? 一切都是因为我在听着圣诞节的歌咯! 一听到圣诞歌, 就证明这一年就即将结束, 新的一年就快来临了!

时间过得真的好快啊。 明年就快二张了咯! 感觉好老哦。 (~.~)"

圣诞节啊... 跟谁过呢? 我是好想跟他一起庆祝。 可是, 没办法呢。 因为圣诞节那个时候, 我会到台湾去旅行。

PS: For my love one, Bii... 对不起哦! 没办法跟你一起庆祝那么甜蜜的圣诞节! 原谅我哦! (>"<)

这将会是我第二次到台湾去。 上一次和家人一起去。 这次呢, 会跟我的妹妹, 阿姨姨丈, 表姐和一帮邻居朋友一起去。 爸爸妈妈呢? 他们没有去哦。 那么刚好, 我另一个表姐(爸爸那一边的)会在圣诞节当天举办婚礼。 所以, 他们一定要去的咯。

当时在做决定的时候还蛮头疼的。 表姐结婚, 想说, 一定要去参加的。 结婚是一生人一次的啊! 不去那里行呢? 另一方面, 我又想跟朋友一起去旅行。 哎哟! 真的不知道该怎么办呢!


致敬爱的表姐, 您与表姐夫的婚礼, 我和妹妹没办法去参加。 真的很对不起! 不过, 在此祝贺您与表姐夫白头偕老, 甜甜蜜蜜的度过你们的一生! 要恩恩爱爱哦! =)

其实我已经面对面告诉了我表姐, 真的很不好意思。 可是她说没关系。 在一月期间, 她还会在 Petaling Jaya 的阿一鲍鱼富临酒家请吃。 So, 她千叮万嘱我一定要去咯! 好, 我一定会去的! =)

阿一鲍鱼咧... 会不会真的有鲍鱼吃呢? Hehee... XD

想到台湾, 好想吃当地小食呢! 芋丸, 贡丸, 鸡排等等。 想到都流口水了咯! (>"<)

还有还有, 我要在台湾 Shopping 呢! 要买化妆品跟包包哦!有点迫不及待了呢!

够了咯, 阁下在此搁笔。 得空再写了! Tata.. v(^.^)v

Monday, November 22, 2010


不过也不算是真正发生在我身上咯。若是发生在我身上的话, 我真的不知道如何是好。

突然间想写华文呢!在之前 delete 掉的 blog 都是写华文的。
那么,那些不会华文的人就不好意思咯!嘻嘻! (>"<)
Hmm... 可以的话,给我点点comment。我应该写华文比较好呢? 还是英文?

为什么我不能早到呢? 我自己也不知道。 (>"<)
可能是因为喝营养早餐的关系吧? 所以迟了。




他来我公司 (我本身在一间瑜伽公司做个接待员,才做没几天。) 来学瑜伽。他也是这间瑜伽中心里的其中一个员工。跟我一样,他也是一位接待员,不过他是做晚上的。因为我们的经理要身为这间瑜伽中心一员的我们亲身经历什么是瑜伽,所以要我们来上课。不过我们不能在自己的工作时间之间学瑜伽,必须等到放工过后。

今天,他带了他女朋友来跟他一起学瑜伽。上了课没多久,有位马来女士走上来公司询问。她问我一辆车的车主是谁 (也就是他咯。) 她说他撞到她车的 bumper。 我自己本身也不是很清楚,所以就去课室把他叫出来。

他也真是的!撞到人家的车,什么都没说,就闪人。很不负责任吧?? 过后,他就一直跟那位马来女士道歉。可是,她却说不是说一声 Sorry 就能解决的。 过后的事我就不清楚了。

第2次,那位马来女士又来了。 一直问他在不在,想说怕他逃走,不了了之。总之,就是麻烦透顶!烦死了。

OK. STOP. 不想再说那件事了咯。


等不及要去吃午餐了咯。快点到1点吧!! (>"<)

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween Day

Happy (Belated) Halloween to all! =)

Haha. It's already past 12am, that's why it is "belated".

This afternoon went to Restaurant Crown Palace at Sri Petaling with my relatives.

Do you know why we suddenly go to a restaurant to have our lunch??

Tell ya quietly, my auntie kena totto! =)

Congrats to my auntie! Hope she kena totto some more, then we'll be lucky too to eat such delicious and expensive food! xD

My parents didn't follow us there as my papa wanted to go to the site of Toyota showroom at Ipoh and my mama had to follow him.

My papa is the one who design for the building of Toyota showroom. Most of the new Toyota showroom is designed by him. Isn't he great?? =)

At the restaurant, we had our lunch with such delicious food. At the same time, we sing karaoke too. We really had fun today! Hehe.

Reach home about 4pm.

After resting for awhile, my auntie and I prepared to make Cheese Tarts.

I had to make cheese tarts for the Taylor's Music Club party tomorrow.

This suggestion for making cheese tarts was suggested by Crystal. She really like to eat these cheese tarts (recipe from my mama). Haha.

After making the cheese tarts, it's about time for dinner. We had our dinner at Restaurant Foke Hing near our house.

After dinner, we went to my auntie's house ( my mama's sister) to play Wii. We played Wii Sports - Bowling. It's a nice game!

It's really like playing bowling in real life.

We played till around 11pm and it's kinda late already. Then, we headed home and it's time for sleep!

Good night! =)

Monday, October 25, 2010


Suddenly feel like want to write on the blog. And it has also been quite a long time I didn't write on here as I am busy with my assignments this semester. Besides that, I am also a lazy bum when there is time for me to blog. Hahaa. XD

This week, quite free lar. As for now, I got time to write on my blog because there is no lectures or tutorial class at the moment. I come to uni for nothing... (=,=")

Now, I am waiting for time to pass. (0.0)

I'm quite nervous towards my PR QnA session next week. I don't know whether I can score for it or not. Hope I can...

Ganbate!!! (To myself...)

It's quite nice to use the MAC in the computer lab in uni. I'm falling in love with it.

At the very beginning, for me, it's quite hard to use. I don't even know all the applications as well as the icons.

Being honest, I only know how to use iTunes. (=.=)


I hope my mother can buy me a Mac. XD

"Ma, will u?" =)

I know you are also interested in using Mac. Hehee.

Looking at the facebook at the same time. There is nothing interesting. Nothing new.


I'm hungry already. Ivana (Shue Voon) is asking me for lunch. So, ciao! =)

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Holidays~ Holidays~ Holidays~

Its gotta end soon! 2 weeks.. It ends so fast. (>"<)

I just went to Genting Highlands for a one day trip in the first week of holidays and its not a very great trip for me.

It was a rainy day. I couldn't get to play what I wanted to play. Sad.. *Sob* T.T

I had the chance to play the flying coaster but we have to pay for the ride. However, its nice though. =)

The second week of holidays, I have to rush on my Effective Communication assignment. Until today, I still haven't finish it. That's not a good thing.

I'm so dead.. 0(x.x)0

I hope to finish it as soon as possible. God bless me!! (>"<)

Just now, I brought my sister for a car ride. She drove.

It's so scary! I don't know how to explain it. Just going out from our house, she almost had a car crash. She didn't even look left and right for the car which is coming.

Scary har?? (0.0)

Haha. I better go do my assignment now. If not, I can't finish it by monday.

Tata. =)

Saturday, September 04, 2010


Woohoo~! After struggling for few days (assignments I mean), I can finally have a break!! Yippie!!

2 weeks holiday ler.. What can I do to enjoy the holidays??

Wanna hang out with me boh? Hahaxx.. xD

Although its a holiday, but I still need to study for my theory exam which is on Monday (6th September). So fast... *Sob Sob* (~.~)

Wish me good luck k?? =)

Tomorrow... Nope, from now onwards is today. One of my buddies will leave us to proceed studies in Taiwan. Gonna miss her. T.T

[ Christine, I will miss you soooooooooo much!!! Don't forget about we k?!??! If not....

I also don't know what to do lar. Haha.

Wish you all the best when you are studying in Taiwan and have a pleasant flight to Taiwan! =) ]

That's a note for Christine. (If she has open to view my blog)

Back to holidays topic. xD

I wanna watch movies ah... Bring me go out gai gai lar.. >"<

Who is bringing me out~? Fast fast tell me ah... @@

Everyday at home I think will very boring. (~.~)

Aiya.. Lazy to write anymore. Need to sleep already. (^^v)

Good Night!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Degree Life

It had been 3 weeks I started my degree life in college. Its quite tiring. T.T

Im scared I could not cope with the assignments of this course. Monologues, essay writing and bla bla blah..

I had phobia in presenting in front of many people.. And mostly everybody have it too. I don't know what will happen on the presentation day itself. Can anyone tell me how could I solve this problem?? Give me some comment. =(

There is a reason for me to choose Mass Communication. Why Mass Comm?

To improve my speaking skills and writing skills. Im really suck in both of this skills. I wish I will be better in speaking after I have finished this 3 years course. And of course, learn to write better essays. Wish me good luck! =)

Second, to overcome my phobia. One of my lecturer who teaches Effective Communication (EC), told us that we can have different personality in front of different people. So, when we are doing our presentation, we need to hide our real self (for those who have stage fright), and try to act out someone else. EC is about performing arts. From this subject, I think I will overcome my phobia and become a good actress! Hehe. Will I?? (@@)

Next, to know more friends. Guess what? I don't really know how to communicate with people. I wanted to have many friends but Im afraid to talk to them when I meet them. "If they talk to me first, then only I will talk to them." That's what I always think. This had been one of my very bad bad habit. I hope I can change it!!! But as you guys know, once something become a habit, its very hard for us to change it. (~.~)

That's the 3 main reasons I choose mass communication as my further study. I really hope that I can cope with all my assignments, meet with new friends and of course, do well in my presentation. =)

It's almost time for class. Tata. (^.^)

Saturday, August 07, 2010

What A Tired Day!

Sg. Wang - Low Yat Plaza - Lot 10 - Pavilion "pa pa zao!" (趴趴走! in hokkien)

No other words can describe my feelings now. Only TIRED!! Haha.

So, I have to finish my blog as soon as possible and take a nice sleep! Hope I can have a sweet dream also! =)

Friends Forever!!

Why did I have this "trip"??

Because of Teng lor.. She wanted to reformat her laptop which had attacked by those bad bad virus! Then we (Christine, Harng, Teng and Me) had to go Low Yat to reformat it.

But before that, we had a lunch in T-bowl Restaurant.

What a weird concept of restaurant was that!

Everything inside the restaurant was designed like washrooms. Hahaha.

Some foods were also served in a toilet bow. @@

Nice??? =)

After lunch, we had a walk in Sg. Wang.

Then, we headed Low Yat and dropped down Teng's laptop.

We continued walking to Pavilion to have our desserts at Snow Flake!!

We ordered 2 Best Seller and 2 of us shared 1. It's so yummy! (Forgotten to take a picture of that. Paiseh! XD)

Then we shop around Pavilion until we get tired~

We had our dinner in the food court in Lot 10 before we went back to Low Yat to pick back Teng's laptop.

It's time to go back home! I had a great time with these 3 buddies! Tq guys! =)

I Miss Them So Much!!

Friday, August 06, 2010

New Me

New me?? What do I mean by that?? Do you know??

Hehee.. Let's me tell you guys..

Reasons I said "New Me" :
  1. I recreate a new blog. The old one I have already deleted. That's why I consider New Blog = New Me. Hahaha...
  2. I have started my degree life this beginning of the month. Yay! A new life!
  3. I have to change!! I cannot be like the past anymore. Again... A "New Me".
I think that's all my reasons~~

Long time didn't write blog. Don't know how to write. Haha. Don't laugh at me k?? @@

Or you want to teach me also can. Don't be stingy! =)

What happens today~?

Today, about 12pm, I went along to fetch my sister from college with my mum.

Reach there, I bought a Subway for lunch. Hmm~ Soooooo Yummy!!!

Don't get jealous ya! Hahahaha. >"<

Then around 4pm, I went to fetch Christine and Jye Harng and together we went Sunway Pyramid for karaoke.

We reached there quite early. So we had a walk before we go Redbox.

We had a great time. Hope you guys (Christine and Harng) enjoyed also! =)

But quite sad Lai Teng didn't follow. If not all of us will gone crazy together!! Haha.

I think that's all for today. Good Night. \(^.^)/