Friday, July 15, 2011


Results for semester 2 are finally out!
Thank God for giving me pass all the subjects.

But at the same time I'm worried...
Will I be getting enough credits by the time I finish the course?

Cause almost every subjects that I've taken are at the border of failing.. (T.T)

I should have try harder..
Haiz.. I always said that. But do I really did my best?

I don't have any motivations at all..
Where can I find it?

OK. Let's talk about other thing. Don't want to think too much.

Today, I went IOI Mall with my sister and Crystal for movie.
We watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2.

I gave this movie a 4 out of 5. =)
Its a nice movie. You should have watch it.

I'm wondering whether I should go to work tomorrow. Should I? Or I should not?
Hehe.. I'm kinda lazy to wake up early in the morning.

But, Mama told me that there's a man coming to repair the air-conditioner tomorrow morning.
I guess I have to wake up early too?

What should I do? (>"<)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Hmm.. Holidays just started for a few days.. But.. I don't have the holiday mood right now.

How come? o.O

So weird..

The second semester just ended like nothing had happen.

Maybe because of me and my friends didn't take lots of pictures for memories?! o.O??


Friends.. You guys are so far from me right now.

I miss you guys!! ♥ >"<

Holidays ah.. Boring ler.. Don't have any places to go. So sien.

Crystal went Bangkok, Thailand today. Didn't bring me.. Sad sad ah.. 0(T^T)o

From today onwards till beginning of July, I don't think I'm going anywhere for trip.

Papa & Mama just came back from a trip in Scandinavia. My sister and I didn't go as it is a very very super duper expensive trip.
We had to stay at home for 2 weeks without Papa & Mama.

Its a good thing or is it a bad thing?

Good thing is nobody's looking after us. We got Freedom! Hehe. XD

Bad thing? I think no gua.. (><")

Hehe.. What a bad daughter I am! XP

But I miss them when they went for the trip.

5th of July, I'm going to Singapore! Woohoo!

I want shop shop shop and play play play till crazeee!! Hehe..

3days trip only wor.. Is it too short?? I think so too.

Hope it can be longer since my holidays still got that long to go. By the way, semester three starts in August.

*Bored Bored*..

Nothing to do nie..

A-ha! Play the Sims3. Long time didn't play. XD


Friday, May 06, 2011


Im back to blog! It has been quite a long time. LONG LONG time. Few months I think. v(0.0)v

LoL... I miss you bloggie~~ <3 <3 <3

Recently have been busy with assignments. I don't really like assignments. No one do right? =P

So many so many assignments to do. But that's not the thing. The main problem is lack of time. We only have few weeks to deal with our assignments.

Hope that I can finish them as soon as possible. I NEED MOTIVATIONS!!! God, Please Help me!!!!

After two weeks holidays, this has been really a weekend. Im kinda regret that I didnt do some research during the holidays. =(

How can I change my attitudes towards study?? I really really want to change and Im trying...

OK. Stop talking about the studies first. Really get stress after talking about it.

I want to go Sephora, Starhill Gallery!!

Gonna buy lots of stuffs. Hehe.. =P

Oh ya! Its Mother's Day this coming Sunday. Wish every Mamas Happy Happy Mother's Day!

As children, we must respect our parents. Not only mama, papa oso ya! <3 =)

Daddy Mummy, I Love You all! =)

Monday, January 31, 2011

Last Day

Today is the last day of working as it is going to be Chinese New Year soon!

So happy~~ Many many angpau coming lor. =)

This year will be celebrating cny a bit differently. In the previous years, we went back to hometown before the first day of cny. However this year, we will be celebrating it in KL.

We will be going back to hometown on the second day of cny.

During this semester break, I found a job. I work as a receptionist in a yoga center. Time flies. I have been working here for 2 months++.

Even though the salary is not that much, but I did learn a lot in this career. I gained experience in working which is what I did not learn before.

It is good to gain experience first when we really step into career. =)

These few days, our yoga center here got a bit quiet. Not much people come to learn yoga. Maybe most of them already went back hometown to celebrate cny? =)

Anyway wish all of us happy happy in the coming days and stay healthy forever! =)

Gong Xi Fa Chai! May all our wishes come true too! ^^

Really looking forward what's going to happen in this chinese new year. Hope it is gonna be another memorable year. =)

Friday, December 03, 2010


光阴似箭这句成语说得没错。 时间真的像箭一样飞得很快, 而且也没人能阻止它或者是将它停顿。
所谓 “一寸光阴一寸金, 寸金难买寸光阴”, 我们真的要好好利用这些时间呢!

柴九也有说咯, “人生有几多个十年!” 人生很快就过完, 所以要趁这段时间好好闯一番! 不然, 什么都没做到, 到时进了棺材都不瞑目哦。 T-T

突然间很感叹, 因为时间不留人啊!

哈哈。 我怎么突然写到这些?? 一切都是因为我在听着圣诞节的歌咯! 一听到圣诞歌, 就证明这一年就即将结束, 新的一年就快来临了!

时间过得真的好快啊。 明年就快二张了咯! 感觉好老哦。 (~.~)"

圣诞节啊... 跟谁过呢? 我是好想跟他一起庆祝。 可是, 没办法呢。 因为圣诞节那个时候, 我会到台湾去旅行。

PS: For my love one, Bii... 对不起哦! 没办法跟你一起庆祝那么甜蜜的圣诞节! 原谅我哦! (>"<)

这将会是我第二次到台湾去。 上一次和家人一起去。 这次呢, 会跟我的妹妹, 阿姨姨丈, 表姐和一帮邻居朋友一起去。 爸爸妈妈呢? 他们没有去哦。 那么刚好, 我另一个表姐(爸爸那一边的)会在圣诞节当天举办婚礼。 所以, 他们一定要去的咯。

当时在做决定的时候还蛮头疼的。 表姐结婚, 想说, 一定要去参加的。 结婚是一生人一次的啊! 不去那里行呢? 另一方面, 我又想跟朋友一起去旅行。 哎哟! 真的不知道该怎么办呢!


致敬爱的表姐, 您与表姐夫的婚礼, 我和妹妹没办法去参加。 真的很对不起! 不过, 在此祝贺您与表姐夫白头偕老, 甜甜蜜蜜的度过你们的一生! 要恩恩爱爱哦! =)

其实我已经面对面告诉了我表姐, 真的很不好意思。 可是她说没关系。 在一月期间, 她还会在 Petaling Jaya 的阿一鲍鱼富临酒家请吃。 So, 她千叮万嘱我一定要去咯! 好, 我一定会去的! =)

阿一鲍鱼咧... 会不会真的有鲍鱼吃呢? Hehee... XD

想到台湾, 好想吃当地小食呢! 芋丸, 贡丸, 鸡排等等。 想到都流口水了咯! (>"<)

还有还有, 我要在台湾 Shopping 呢! 要买化妆品跟包包哦!有点迫不及待了呢!

够了咯, 阁下在此搁笔。 得空再写了! Tata.. v(^.^)v